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1) Leica Epifluorescence Stereomicroscope M165FC

- Objectives
- Apo 1X/
- Planapo 5X/0.5 19mm
- Optics/lighting:
- Bright field (transmitted light, epi-lighting)
- Epifluorescence (uv, blue, GFP, green)
- High resolution digital camera

2) Leica Inverted Epifluorescence Microscope DMI600B

- Objectives:
- NPLAN 10X/0.25 PH1 -/B 17.6
- NPLAN 20X/0.35 PH1 1.0/C 6.9
- HCX PLAPO 40X/1.25 oil PH3 C5 0.17
- HCX PL FL 100X/1.30 oil PH3 17D
- Optics:
- Bright Field
- Phase contrast
- Epifluorescence (uv, blue, GFP, green)
- High Resolution digital camera

3) Nikon C-1 Modular Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope System, integrated by the following units:

-Nikon inverted microscope Eclipse TE2000-U. Motor operated stage PROSCAN NIKON TE2000. Brightfield, Nomarski DIC observation and epifluorescence (standard mercury lamp, standard block filters: blue, green, ultraviolet).
-Objective CFI PL APO 4x AN 0,2 WD 15,7 mm
-Objective CFI PL APO 10x AN 0,45 WD 4,0 mm
-Objective CFI PL FLUOR 20x AN 0,75 WD 0,35 mm multi-immersion
-Objective CFI PL FLUOR 40x AN 1,30 WD 0,2 mm oil
-Objective CFI PL APO 60x AN 1,4 WD 0,21 mm oil
-Objetive CFI PL APO VC 100x AN 1,40 WD 0,13 mm oil
-Confocal module, non-spectral, non-fully motorized, four-channels simultaneous detection (three lasers plus transmission diascopic channel). Variable motorized pinhole (three sizes + open). Scanning resolution up to 2048x2048 pixels (12 bits). Piezo-electric z-axis motor. Laser unit (4 lasers + AOTF)
Lasers available:
-Blue diode (36 mW) (405 nm)
-Ar (50 mW) (457 nm, 477 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm)
-He-Ne (2 mW) (543 nm)
-Red diode (10 mW) (638 nm)

4) JEOL JEM-1011 Transmission Electron Microscope System, integrated by the following units:

-JEM-1011 TEM, 100 kV, polepiece EM-SAP10B, 0.4 nm point resolution. Three magnification modes. Two-specimens holder. Tilting. Analogical (film) photomicrography availability.


-SIS Megaview III digital imaging system for TEM. CCD image sensor 1360x1024 pixels. AnalySIS DOCU software for image capture and analysis.

5) Microtome RM 2165 Leica

6) Ultramicrotome Reichert-Jung ULTRACUT.

7) Glass-knife maker Leica EM KMR3

8) Vibratomo VT1200 / VT1200S Leica

9) Automated tissue processor Leica EM TP


- Tissue processor designed for EM and LM resin processing. The sample carousel holds 24 EM or 12 LM vials and utilizes various specialized baskets and capsules. An exhaust system supports safer use of toxic substances.

Optical Instruments Avaliable Guide EEZ [ES] (.PPTX)